Welcome to the Tomb Raider Style guide 2001 update. I hope that you find the new format both useful and more user-friendly. As always I welcome any comments relating to the guide, good or bad! In order to view the Style Guide you'll need Acrobat Reader, this software can be downloaded free from the Adobe website. All of the new imagery and related logos are contained on the enclosed discs. To access the hi-res imagery please explore the CD and here you will find the hi-res folders. All previously produced imagery is available by contacting Susie Hamilton or myself here at Core Design, our details are: Andrew Thompson, Operations Manager, Core Design Limited andrew@core-design.com Susie Hamilton, PR Manager, Core Design Limited susie@core-design.com Core Design Limited 2 Roundhouse Road Pride Park Derby DE24 8JE Telephone +44 (0)1332 227 800 Fax +44 (0)1332 227 801 Web details: www.eidos.com www.core-design.com www.adobe.com